Freedom Meeting Schedule

MeetingareaMeetings 6 Days Out of The Week!

Here at the Freedom House, part of providing a conducive recovery environment is ensuring that the men who reside here are given every opportunity to attend 12-step support meetings. In order to do this, The Freedom House opens its doors to the outside recovery community and hosts numerous meetings throughout the week. The meetings held here consist of AA, NA, and CA support groups. Tuesdays are the only night in which we do not host a meeting. And residents are encouraged to attend a meeting outside of the house on those nights.

FHI AA/CA/NA House Meetings:

Sunday             7:00 p.m.         AA                   Mandatory for duration of residency

Monday           10:30 a.m.        NA                   Optional  (See note 6.)

Residents, who have not met 90 days and cannot attend the morning meeting due to the time it is held., must find an outside meeting to attend.

Tuesday           No Meetings

Residents, who have not met 90 days, must find an outside meeting to attend.

Wednesday      7:30 p.m.         CA                   Optional (See Note 6)

Thursday          7:30 p.m.         AA                   Mandatory first 90 days (See Note 7)

Friday              7:00 p.m.         CA                   Optional (See Note 6)

Saturday          10:00 a.m.        AA                   Mandatory for duration of residency


  1. New residents must attend 90 meetings in 90 days.
  2. After 90 days residents must attend a minimum of 4 meetings per week.
  3. Residents are to record meetings on meeting attendance sheet. If attending more than 1 meeting in the same day, only 1 meeting is to be recorded on sheet.
  4. Court ordered meetings (e.g. IOP, Bowen Center, CDS, etc. may be used as a meeting.
  5. All residents must attend any scheduled meeting if they are on the premises. This includes residents of the main house as well as the other houses.
  6. The NA meeting on Monday morning and the CA meetings on Wednesday and Friday nights are listed as optional. However, residents who identify as heroin and/or cocaine addicts are highly encouraged to attend. Residents may find an outside meeting in lieu of attending those meetings. Residents still in their first 90 days must find an outside meeting if they opt not to attend those meetings. Any resident, including those residents who have met their 90 day/90 meeting requirement must attend those meetings if they are on the premises. This includes residents of the main house as well as all other FHI properties.
  7. After 90 days, the Thursday meeting is optional. Residents may find an outside meeting to attend, but must attend if on premises. The Saturday morning and Sunday evening meetings are mandatory unless permission from staff is given for being absent.
  8.   Any resident needing to deviate from this schedule must demonstrate good cause and receive permission from staff.